Smile Gallery

The before photos are how the patient presented in June of 2021. Her smile was evaluated and designs were generated to address her desire to get brighter and longer lateral incisors to be more harmonious with the centrals and canines. The new veneers were customized to match her neighboring tooth anatomy and characterization. The final result was just what she was looking for. The result, longer and brighter teeth to match her already very brilliant smile and personality! With ongoing care and some occasional whitening, these porcelain veneers will be a part of her smile for a very long time! A happy patient with a lot to smile about! Thanks J.W.!!

Rochelle was in an accident that left her with several fractured teeth, including her top two central incisors. Fortunately, she wasn’t in pain and we were able to correct the structural and cosmetic issues right away. Rochelle received 2 porcelain veneers and 1 filling to create a seamless restoration of her smile, in perfect time for her college graduation.

On a family vacation our young patient had a fall that fractured her two central incisors. Fortunately, the damage was not more severe and the nerves of these teeth were healthy. We bonded filling material to her fractured teeth and recreated the shade and shape to match her existing teeth. The Johnson Dental team quickly got her smiling again.

Pam struggled with her smile for a long time, she was unhappy with her discolored and misshapen teeth. Dr. Aaron combined porcelain crowns with fillings to achieve a beautiful result. Pam will also have her teeth whitened with the supervision of the Johnson Dental team. We are so happy to have helped Pam find the confidence to smile brightly once again!

Iraq war veteran, Dan, decided to take care of his missing teeth upon returning home from deployment. Dr. Aaron and his team gave Dan a porcelain bridge to support his new tooth. Then, Dr. Aaron skillfully corrected the uneven teeth so that Dan’s smile would be even. The end result is amazing! Johnson Dental is proud to serve Dan, and thank him for serving our country.

Our patient was concerned about the shape and ‘pointy’ appearance of his canine teeth. Dr. Kristi performed a bonding procedure to correct the pointy teeth and give them a more rounded appearance. She was able to dramatically change the appearance of his teeth through the bonding, which allowed her to reshape the tooth to the patient’s satisfaction. The result of Dr. Kristi’s bonding procedure was a more natural and softer transition between the front teeth, and a very happy patient!

Mike completed Invisalign orthodontic treatment but had worn and chipped teeth that he wanted repaired in time for his senior photos. The Johnson Dental team was able to correct the chipped teeth with bonded composite restoration. The restoration gave Mike the confidence he wanted to show off in his senior photos.

Before treatment, this patient had old Porcelain Fused to Metal crowns and some old fillings which were discolored. Composite fillings were done on the two lateral incisor teeth to replace the old discolored fillings. The filling material shade blended nicely with the surrounding tooth structure. With the crowns in place and the new fillings the patient was happy with the results. After … smiles all around! Thanks to our wonderful patient for trusting us with her new smile. This new smile was made possible by using some of the best materials dentistry has to offer.

Cindy came to us after completing a weight loss program and feeling great about herself, except that she was self-conscious about her smile. She had gone for years with some old and discolored fillings in the middle of her smile. She wanted to brighten things up and reshape and reposition the front teeth. A combination of whitening and porcelain crowns gave Cindy a smile she is proud to show off. We are so humbled to be asked to help our patients achieve the smile of their dreams.
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